KLUK. Krótka bajka o życiu
The LavenCreators
text: Malina Prześluga
directing: Artur Romański
set design: Igor Fijałkowski
music: Stanisław Pawlak
light direction: Michał Krugiołka
assistant director: Karolina Okurowska (AST Wrocław)
Igor Fijałkowski
Artur Romański
Stanisław Pawlak
Release date
Recommended viewer age
Regular ticket – 50 zł
Reduced ticket - 50 zł
Group ticket – 45 zł
Kara Boska is an ambitious young student of „harbinging”, but she has one heck of a problem: a speech disorder! Kara Boska cannot pronounce “r”. And the heralding of “luin and glave” by a “dalk laven” can lead to a series of misunderstandings at best, and at worst – pity and laughter. Raven-Laven gets one last chance from her uncle. She has to effectively herald doom to the first creature she meets. And it just so happens that this creature is a depressed Snail. What will result from the meeting of these two? We – the creators – know one thing. Their worldview will be shaken to its core, flipped upside down, and the impossible will become possible. This is a performance with live music.