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The King’s New Clothes


directing - Artur Romański
music - Piotr Klimek
set design - Igor Fijałkowski
choreography - Karina Adamczak-Kasprzak, Agata Ambrozińska-Rachuta

light direction - Michał Krugiołka


Release date



100 min.

Recommended viewer age

from 9 years old.
Icon indicating the age category: childrenchildren

Regular ticket – 50 zł

Reduced ticket - 50 zł

Group ticket – 45 zł

.This fairy tale by H. Ch. Andersen is known to everyone. The vain ruler in love with himself and his clothes, the swindling tailors, the non-existent robes and the famous cry: “The king is naked!”

We, however, decided to take a closer look at the story. For why, in fact, does the king love beautiful clothes so much, why does he surround himself with things at all costs, why does he only wish to have, to own and to look good? What made him forget of what is really important, of celebrating life, or his loved ones? Because today, in the twenty-first century, do we not encounter similar “kings” all around us? Are we not one of them?

“The King’s New Clothes” is a puppet-and-actor family musical, in which a classic fairy tale is a backdrop to tell a story about ourselves.

Maciej Zakrzewski


„Poruszając poważne tematy, „Nowe szaty króla” są jednocześnie świetną rozrywką dla całej rodziny. W Teatrze Animacji pow...”
Agata Wittchen-Barełkowska,,
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„- Lubię mieć, tak, ja lubię mieć! Im więcej, im lepsze, im nowsze, im droższe, tym pewniej się czuję, tym życie jest pro...”
Monika Nawrocka-Leśnik,,
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