Directed by Alicja Morawska-Rubczak
Set & costume design Barbara Małecka
Music by Wacław Zimpel
Video projections by Paulina Ptaszyńska, Bartosz Posacki
research by Justyna Czarnota
Cast: Zuzanna Wiśniewska, Aleksandra Leszczyńska / Marcin Chomicki, Anna Domalewska
Release date
Recommended viewer age
Regular ticket – 40 zł
Half-price ticket – 30 zł
Group ticket – 30 zł
In a poetic way - on the level of word, sound and image - it invites spectators to get to know the richness of the world of trees and their inhabitants. Beautiful animated puppets, intriguing images and visuals, surprising sounds - all this will make you feel the magic of the forest and make you want to go for a walk to the forest with even more open eyes, ears and heart. The main inspiration for the performance are books by Simona Kossak and Peter Wohlleben - authors who can fascinate and captivate both children and adults with their stories about the forest and its inhabitants, showing the complexity and uniqueness of the nature that surrounds us and the importance of our ability to listen to what the forest is trying to whisper to us.
The performance, however, arises mainly from the fascination with being in the forest every day, careful observations of the changes taking place in it and - which is extremely valuable at the present time - the strength and sense of stability that contact with nature gives us. In a pandemic situation, it has become a priceless asset that allows us to catch our breath, seek and explore new ties - both with ourselves and with our loved ones.
The performance was also a search for new possibilities of artistic meeting with spectators in the time of a pandemic and is created taking into account the guidelines related to the sanitary regime. Its creators try to use the limitations and make an artistic search for forms of new closeness and create a scenic world rich in sensory experiences, giving spectators a sense of security.