Plakat przedstawia planety na tle różowo-granatowym. Na pierwszym planie niebieska planeta z dorysowanym uśmiechem i oczami.


A Journey Out of This World


directing: Aleksandra Jakubczak
set design: Marta Krześlak 
music: Krzysztof Kaliski i Maciej Szymborski
lyrisc to the Rosa song: Malina Prześluga
light/video direction: Wojciech Sobolewski 
assistant director: Artur Romański


Release date



60 min.

Recommended viewer age

from 8 years old.
Icon indicating the age category: childrenchildren

Regular ticket – 50 zł

Reduced ticket - 50 zł

Group ticket – 45 zł

We are witnessing a grand event; an extraordinary flight into the unknown corners of our galaxy. But the mission to conquer the universe turns out to be a journey of much greater importance – and a different destination for each of the characters in this story.

The Mole, who has been digging in the ground all his life, is led by curiosity, an unsatiated need to “see” more. Anita the Moth dreams of a close encounter with the sun, which for the moths is the highest form of transitioning to another dimension. The commander of the expedition, Roza, is a long-living turtle who wants to prove something to the world that has never believed in her (and maybe, just a little, to prove something to herself?). Oh, and there is also the Unbearable Child, sent into the rocket as punishment... In Space, he will also find a way to fulfill his basic needs. Because it turns out that the further we move away from what we know, the closer we can get to our true selves. In the darkness of distant galaxies we discover the very essence of our nature, we face our fears and desires, as well as the inevitable – the passing of time.

Maciej Zakrzewski


„Poznański Teatr Animacji jest jedynym teatrem dla dzieci, a także jedynym teatrem lalkowym w całej Wielkopolsce. Sytuacj...”
Joanna Ostrowska,
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„Nie od dziś wiadomo, że dziecięca publiczność to jedno z większych wyzwań stojących przed gronem realizatorów i aktorów ...”
Marta Szostak,
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