Sleeping BeautyCreators
directing: Lech Chojnacki
set design: Nataša Štefunková
music: Gabriel Menet
Release date
75 min.
Recommended viewer age
from 4 years old.
Regular ticket – 50 zł
Reduced ticket - 50 zł
Group ticket – 45 zł
As we all know, Princess Rosie was cursed by the Evil Witch to prick herself with a spindle and fall asleep for a hundred years in a castle overgrown with thornbush.
And this is the extent of what we are familiar with. Beyond that, Katarína Aulitisová wrote a light, witty, comedic play, and Nataša Štefunková complemented it with funny, colorful set design.
In this situation, the actors-comedians have no other choice but to present the fairy tale with gusto and a smile on their lips, and to treat the adventures of these fairy tale characters a little less seriously.
Marek Zakrzewski