HALO KOSMOS! - zmysłowisko
HELLO SPACE! – a sensory playCreators
text: Malina Prześluga
directing: Julia Szmyt
music: Patryk Zakrocki
sound direction: Bartek Olszewski
Release date
Recommended viewer age
Regular ticket – 50 zł
Reduced ticket - 50 zł
Group ticket – 45 zł
And although she thinks she's all alone… there is someone looking for her all over the cosmos! The Clamor-flier, a super-intelligent spacecraft, finally finds Critter and brings her incredible news. Somewhere at the end of the galaxy, her lost family is waiting for her, together with a whole planet of similar creatures. All she has to do is get back there! The problem is that the star maps have been damaged and instead of flying straight to their destination, Critter and Clamor-flier have to stop every now and then to ask for directions. Accompanying them on this quest is a stowaway named Worm: hypochondriac, spoiled, perpetually self-centered and blind since birth. The three travelers wandering around the galaxy will go through a mass of cosmic (and sometimes comical) adventures, eventually ending up on Critter’s planet. There, however, nothing will be as it should, and Critter will face the most difficult decision of her life.
The play was intended as a sensory experience – an event that engages the senses of hearing, touch and smell instead of sight.
The show took part in 26. Ogólnopolskim Konkursie na Wystawienie Polskiej Sztuki Współczesnej.