Plakat przedstawia kolorowe figurki zwierząt mieszkających w dżungli takich jak małpy, goryl, tygrys na żółtym tle.


dir. Mateusz Pakuła


text, directing: Matesz Pakuła
set design and costumes: Marta Śniosek-Masacz
music: Antonis Skolias 
light direction: Paulina Góral


Release date



60 min.

Recommended viewer age

from 11 years old.
Icon indicating the age category: childrenchildren

Regular ticket – 50 zł

Reduced ticket - 50 zł

Group ticket – 45 zł

To all those who are familiar with R. Kipling’s “The Jungle Book” – you may feel out of your depth here, because... this is not the same jungle anymore.

And Mowgli is not the same at all. And if anyone thinks they remember the panther Bagheera or the dangerous Shere Khan well, they will need to revise their memories. The characters in Mateusz Pakuła's drama left the pages of their book a long time ago – in an era of different dilemmas, questions and necessities. In an era of a different Evil and a different Doubt. Entering into the 21st century, they carry with themselves only the archetypes of their characters. They are still fighting for a sense of meaning, for some kind of causality, but they realize that here, and now, in a time of absurdities and ecological disasters, it may be a losing battle. Looking through their eyes at the nonsense and atrocities of modernity, we can see for ourselves what we have done to this beautiful world over the past century.


The show took part in 25. Ogólnopolskim Konkursie na Wystawienie Polskiej Sztuki Współczesnej.


Monika Stolarska


„Twórczość dramatopisarska Mateusza Pakuły nie jest raczej kojarzona z tym, co zwykliśmy uważać za teatr dla dzieci i mło...”
Joanna Ostrowska, teatralny.pl ,
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„"Jungle People" Mateusza Pakuły z certyfikatem jakości! Niech to będzie moja odpowiedź na postulaty widzów, domagających...”
Monika Nawrocka-Leśnik, kulturapoznan.pl,
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