directing, set design, musical arrangement, puppets – Neville Tranter (Holandia)
text: Neville Tranter, Adrian van Dijk
lyrics to the Ludwika XIV song– Michał Łaszewicz
assistant director- Agnieszka Błaszczak (PWST)
Release date
Recommended viewer age
Regular ticket – 70 zł
Reduced ticket - 60 zł
Group ticket – 50 zł
This anecdote inspired Neville Tranter to make a play about one of France's most prominent actors and playwrights. With the help of puppets, Neville Tranter tells the story of both a great writer and and old man struggling with weaknesses, temptations and memories. The characters accompanying Molière in his final days are suspended between realism and imagination – somewhat resembling the people closest to him, but also the characters from his written and unwritten plays. Grotesque human-sized puppets further emphasize this peculiar split between the here and now and the grand and the infinite. The play, in the convention of commedia dell'arte, is also in keeping with this duality – it is both entertaining and moving at the same time.
17 i 19.05 2018 - International Puppet Theatre Festival "MUKAMAS 2018" (Tampere, Finlandia)
23.10.2017 - II Międzynarodowy Festiwal Teatrów Lalek "Dnipro" (Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraina)
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11.10.2016 - Międzynarodowy Festiwal Lalkowym im. Siergieja Obrazcowa (Moskwa, Rosja)
27 i 28.09.2016 - Międzynarodowy Festiwal Współczesnego i Eksperymentalnego Teatru (Kair, Egipt)
22.09.2016 - Międzynarodowym Festiwal Teatru Ulicznego i Lalkowego "Puppet Fair" 2016 (Sofia, Bułgaria)
7.04.2016 - 2. Alexandria International Festival of Contemporary Theatre (Aleksandria, Egipt)

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* Nagroda GRAND PRIX za najlepszy spektakl
* Marcin Ryl-Krystianowski - nagroda aktorska
* Artur Romański - nagroda aktorska
* nagroda dla zespołu
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* Nagroda GRAND PRIX za najlepszy spektakl
* Igor Fijałkowski - nagroda aktorska za najlepszą rolę męską
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* Marcin Ryl-Krystianowski - nagroda aktorska za rolę Moliera